James spoke about how judgement influences art. Judgement becomes important when work is criticised as in Sex Lives of the Potato Men. The negative aspects of judgement resulted in the British Film Council's Budget being reduced. Sex Lives of the Potato Men was not received well, and as it had been funded by Public Money, and criticised in an uncomplimentary and negative manner, funding for the British Film Industry was penalised. I find this aspect of judgement grossly unfair and unrealistic, but I assume that this particular film was used as an excuse to reduce funding. In my opinion art should not be judged in this way to the detriment of the Film Industry as a whole. Culture in all its forms is important to society and I believe that whatever the reaction to a piece of art is, it is all valid whether your opinion is positive or negative.
If I think about the meaning and value of my own work at present it is mainly my own opinion that matters. I am learning my craft and any criticism at this stage is to help me to develop my skills. In the future when I have perhaps exhibited my work, then it will become the reactions of an audience who will judge whether I have interpreted it with meaning. Ultimately I believe that meaning of a work comes from the artist and then when it is shown to the world, others' interpret it as they wish. I don't feel that it matters particularly that the meaning I give my work may be different to that which others' give to it. For me the process of making art is what I consider imporant at this time.
James' opinion was that the notion of meaning being questioned, is seeing meaning as changeable and contingent. Meaning, like Value, are seen as dependent on historical, cultural and social context, and changes depending on where, when and by whom it is being viewed.
James went on to list the perspective of :-
Artist & Designer writing and interviews
Exhibition Texts
The Work or The Object
Status revolving around aesthetics i.e telephones and trainers.
The telephones of old were not looked on as "art." But now that technology has improved and is constantly changing and renewing, the old style telephone has become Vintage Art.
Trainers once seen as merely footwear, are now seen as art because of the many well known designers who trade mark them. Popular Culture has brought about a kind of status that many want to adopt.
The Value and Meaning of art has not appealed to my academic senses as much as the other lectures have; I don't think that I will be choosing this option though I will keep an open mind of course!
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